Barefoot Contessa is an American cooking show that premiered November 30, 2002 on Food Network, and is currently the oldest show on the network's schedule. Hosted by celebrity chef Ina Garten, each episode features Garten assembling dishes of varying complexity. Though her specialty is French cuisine, she occasionally prepares American, Asian, British and Italian foods.
The show's title, which comes from the Italian word for countess, was originally used by Garten in her best-selling cookbook, The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook (1999). Read More...
Environ un milliard d'euros : tel est le montant total de subventions demandé par les collectivités ayant répondu à l'appel à projets "transports collectifs en site propre" (TCSP) du Grenelle de l'envrionnement, qui s'est clos fin janvier. Problème : son enveloppe est plafonnée à 710 millions d'euros d'aides de l'Etat. Pour rappel, ces aides concernent des travaux d'infrastructures engagés entre fin 2008 et fin 2011. Selon le type de chantier considéré, le taux de subvention varie de 15 à 25%. Read More...
Senate President Godswill Akpabio announced this on Wednesday, May 29, during a joint session of the National Assembly, which also marked the 25th anniversary of Nigeria’s 4th Republic. As reported by Channels TV, President Tinubu is anticipated to attend the joint session. Akpabio noted that the session’s main purpose is to unveil the new national anthem. ADVERTISEMENT
He also mentioned that the President will not deliver a speech as he must leave to inaugurate the Abuja metro line. Read More...