Just as nobody buys a car without taking it for a test-drive, most people—about two thirds of couples—don’t get married any more until they’ve lived with their proposed lifetime partner. This has been true for a while, even though studies done right up until the 2000s showed that couples who lived together first actually got divorced more often than those who didn’t. But a spate of new studies looking at cohabitation, as it’s called, are starting to refine those results. Read More...
Shannon Buck has been named executive vice president of publicity of Peacock, where she will oversee publicity, events and activations for Peacock original and exclusive content.
Her hiring comes after the December promotions of NBCUniversal communication executives Chip Sullivan and Allison Rawlings, which was intended to help “bring the Television & Streaming portfolio closer together. Read More...
Publié le 10 décembre 2020par Jean-Noël Escudié / P2C pour Localtis France Social, Santé, médico-social, vieillissement Une ordonnance du 9 décembre prolonge, rétablit ou adapte diverses dispositions sociales pour faire face à l'épidémie de Covid-19. Cette ordonnance s'inscrit dans le prolongement de la loi du 14 novembre 2020 autorisant la prorogation de l'état d'urgence sanitaire et portant diverses mesures de gestion de la crise sanitaire. Celle-ci habilite en effet le gouvernement à prendre, jusqu'au 16 février 2021 (date prévue à ce jour pour la fin de l'état d'urgence sanitaire), toute mesure en vue de prolonger ou de rétablir l'application des dispositions prises par voie d'ordonnance lors du premier confinement. Read More...