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Emmanuel Macron veut acclrer en mme temps les renouvelables et le nuclaire

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Publié le 22 septembre 2022par  Anne Lenormand / Localtis avec AFP Energie, Environnement, Organisation territoriale, élus et institutions "Nous allons massivement accroître nos besoins en électricité", de "40% d'ici 2050", et la France aura besoin d'aller "deux fois plus vite" sur les projets d'énergies renouvelables" (ENR) tout en accélérant sur le nucléaire, a déclaré Emmanuel Macron lors de l'inauguration du premier parc d'éoliennes en mer français, au large de Saint-Nazaire (Loire-Atlantique). Read More...

The Real Reason Chris Daughtry Doesn't Watch Footage Of Himself on 'American Idol'

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TALENTRECAP.COM Singing American Idol Getty Images for The Recording Academy Reading Time: 2 minutes Chris Daughtry, a four-time Grammy nominee and talented musician, rose to fame through his participation in the sixth season of American Idol in 2006. Despite his success on the show, Daughtry has recently revealed that he doesn’t watch his own performances, due to the immense growth he has experienced since then. During a podcast interview with vocal coach Chris Liepe, Daughtry expressed how he struggled with his voice during his time on American Idol. Read More...


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